Monday 3 February 2014

Happy Monday

Controversial opinion, but I really like Mondays. It's the start of a new week and there are new opportunities to achieve things. I'm not sure if I'd be saying this if I still had a 9am lecture like I did last term. Let's just say my 11 o'clock makes up for all of the 9 o'clock starts I had last year.

Another reason I love Mondays is that in terms of beauty too it's a fresh start. This is probably more a love for my Sunday evening preparedness making Monday mornings happy. 

Every Sunday night, at the moment I'm doing it at about 8 o'clock after my tea but before Musketeers starts on BBC1, I do my fake tan for the week. In preparation for this I will have a really long relaxing shower and scrub away all of the previous weeks tan and any dead skin as well as using a face mask. 

The tan I use is the Xen-Tan Dark Lotion Weekly Self-Tan and I love the way it comes out, not too orange or steaky and I am certainly no expert at applying fake tan. I find it just gives a natural 'just been away' glow to mask my pale British winter complexion. 

Whilst my tan in sinking is I wash all of my makeup brushes. This is probably my least favourite part of Sunday evening as it takes so god damn long! But I still insist there is no such thing as too many brushes. 

Aah look at those beautiful clean brushes

This usually takes about 20 minutes and by this point I feel comfortable enough to put on my tanning pyjamas. Once all of this is done I settle myself in on the sofa with The Musketeers and grab my collection of nail varnishes and decide what shade I want to sport for the first half of the week. Being the total nerd I am I usually check the weather first to see what it's going to be like out before comiting myself to a colour. 

Today's colour is BarryM 295 Torquise, though I think it's more of a pastel baby blue myself. 

As I don't have to rush to be in lectures at 9 on a Monday morning I am able to take my time whilst getting up and washing my tan off. I then am able to begin my week, beautifully bronzed, with fresh nails and clean makeup brushes making Mondays happy.

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